1. For a something that fits your credit card budget and your body, try on the Levis Matchstick, which is a slim straight fit with small tears. Available now on sale at SSENSE for $128 USD
2. Chucks can be worn by anyone. But step up yours with a bit of class by sporting a pair of Converse by John Varvatos. The low profile leather ox is sure to keep your look fresh at $125 USD from Zappos
3. And if you have long hair than our product model, be sure to style it with Gatsby Moving Hair Wax, which you can find in specialty hair product stores or online on Amazon.com for $10 USD
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Weekly Style: Be Original. Be JUZD
1. For a something that fits your credit card budget and your body, try on the Levis Matchstick, which is a slim straight fit with small tears. Available now on sale at SSENSE for $128 USD
2. Chucks can be worn by anyone. But step up yours with a bit of class by sporting a pair of Converse by John Varvatos. The low profile leather ox is sure to keep your look fresh at $125 USD from Zappos
3. And if you have long hair than our product model, be sure to style it with Gatsby Moving Hair Wax, which you can find in specialty hair product stores or online on Amazon.com for $10 USD
Click here for more JUZD Weekly Style
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